Thoughts & Ideas

Thursday, December 29, 2005

On Luxuries in Life

A few days ago, there was an article by Malavika Sangghvi’s in DNA on life’s luxuries. It was a typical ode to the Mammon, hotels, cars, watches and a whole lot of yuk. Pity that she never heard Beatles – Money Can’t Buy Me Love. All in all I found the article it (to say the least) myopic, hackneyed, frivolous, superficial, shallow …. She just does not have enough sense to realise or understand what is luxury, leave alone write a stupid article on it. But like every dark cloud it had a silver lining. It set me thinking on what is my perspective on luxuries in life. Listing some of them below:

  • Getting up in the morning, lying in bed with the sun filtering in and knowing that there is no need to jump out of bed and shave, and dress and catch the 7.57 monster called the local since it is a holiday is - luxury.
  • Having water flow out of a tap when you turn the knob or getting the hot stale air to be stirred when you put on the switch is - luxury.
  • For the woman taking care of three small children and an unemployed husband by working as a domestic servant in 5 households, the small glass of hot, sugary tea brewed out of recycled tea leaves, but which will help her carry on for the next 3 households is - luxury.
  • Having the time to participate in your children’s fantasies or take your Mother for her long cherished trip to Vivekanand Rock is – luxury.
  • The warmth of the Rs.5 coin in the pocket which makes the difference between walking 8 km or taking a bus is - luxury.
  • The street light which enables reading for the exam next day is - luxury.
  • The second hand coat which keeps off the bitter North Indian winter is the height of - luxury.
  • Having the entire family sitting around and having lunch together is - luxury.
  • Getting the wife to see your point of view is – luxury.
  • A large cool “kulhad” of lassi on a hot summer afternoon – is luxury.
  • An afternoon nap is a luxury.


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